Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I love prints!

I love buying diapers for the shop, but what I really love are prints.  When I was diapering Jack, I was conservative, adding lots of solid colors to the stash, but when Hudson came along, I added lots of new prints.  I particularly love Swaddlebees.  Not only are they really well made, but dang, those prints are to die for.

I bought Blue Summer, Cow, and another Cow from Happy Heiny.  That wasn't enough though.  I am ashamed to say that I was the proud owner of Blue on Chocolate, and Lemon Lime all in the Eco Nappies.

Bill holding Hudson wearing Happy Heiny in Cow.  That's Charlotte on the bottom there.  She's three in this picture.
I justified it like this:  I was now diapering two kids, so I certainly need at least 12 more.

The great thing about prints is that I always felt like my son was dressed even though he was in a diaper and a t-shirt.  That was our uniform for nearly a year.  I look back on my pictures from that time and just smile.  They make my kids smile too.  "Who's that, Mom?"  "Umm,  That's my Hudson wearing faux cowhide."

Ride 'em cowboy!

1 comment:

  1. I love prints, too, but I am one of the few that prefer solids. I find that they go better w/ outfits that way. Although, here in Arizona, it's a diaper and T-shirt kind of summer! :)
